I first listened to Skillet's latest CD "Rise" at their Road to Rise
tour in Nashville. After previewing the album with the band, I knew I
had to do a series based off their new CD.
Birthing this new series,
"Skillet Saturdays"
Skillet's Music first starting changing my life for the better when I heard them for the first time at Winter Jam when they had recently released their album "Comatose". From that moment on, I was hooked on their awesome rock in roll music. Their music was crazy loud! Electric guitars, drums, John Cooper's voice, the works! The song lyrics were amazing! I loved how every song spoke to me in a different way. How I could relate what I was going through in my life with their music. I've been a faithful panhead ever since :)
The world that we live in today is becoming so corrupt. It makes me sick. All the school shootings. Bombings. Threats. Parents afraid of sending their children to school, kids afraid of being at school.
People feeling like there is no hope in their lives driving them to the point of suicide. Or feeling so unloved that they are willing to self-harm or sell their bodies.
"Everyday you need a bulletproof vest
To save yourself from what you could never guess!
Am I safe today?
When I step outside in the wars we wage!
Our future's here and now,
Here comes the countdown!
Sound it off, this is the call!
Rise in revolution!
It's our time to change it all,
Rise in revolution!
Unite and fight, to make a better life!
Everybody one for all,
Sound off, this is the call, tonight we rise!"
We need to Rise up and start a revolution!
We can so much for others if we allow God to use us.
It could be as simple as going up and introducing yourself to the kid in your school who sits by themselves. It could be smiling at the person in the checkout line. It could be paying it forward and paying for some strangers meal. Random acts of kindness. Its all the little things that add up and can change someones entire life.
The darkness will fade because we will be the light! We have to stand up for what we believe and fight for those who can't fight for themselves.
I love the part in the song "Rise" where is says, "Sometimes it's crazy, to fight for what you believe!"
I find myself in a daily battle fighting to save my heart and body for my future spouse. Especially these days when people believe its the norm to go with your hormones. I tell people I've never kissed anyone and that I'm saving my first kiss until I'm married and people call me all sort of names and give me crazy looks. Whispers that I'll be a nun forever, ect.
"In a world gone mad,
In a place so sad!
Sometimes it's crazy
To fight for what you believe!
But you can't give up,
If you wanna keep what you love!
(Keep what you love)
Keep what you love
(Keep what you love)
Keep what you love
Never give up, no!!!
Rise in revolution
Rise in revolution
Everybody one for all,
Sound off, this is the call!"
So will you accept this challenge and Rise up with me?
Skillet "Rise" Lyric Video - (It says it has lryics but it only has a few. Lyrics posted below link)
Skillet Rise Acoustic @ Road to Rise Nashville (Link below - From @PeaceLoveSkillet - It was amazing having them perform for us in Nashville!!)
All I see is shattered pieces
I can't keep it hidden like a secret
I can't look away!
From all this pain in a world we made!
Everyday you need a bulletproof vest
To save yourself from what you could never guess!
Am I safe today?
When I step outside in the wars we wage!
Our future's here and now,
Here comes the countdown!
Sound it off, this is the call!
Rise in revolution!
It's our time to change it all,
Rise in revolution!
Unite and fight, to make a better life!
Everybody one for all,
Sound off, this is the call, tonight we rise!
Tonight we rise
Tonight we rise!
Like a hand grenade thrown in a hurricane,
Spinning in chaos, trying to escape the flame,
Yesterday is gone!
Faster than the blast of a car bomb!
And when the scars heal, the pain passes,
As hope burns, we rise from the ashes!
Darkness fades away!
And the light shines on a brave new day!
Our future's here and now,
Here comes the countdown!
Sound it off, this is the call!
Rise in revolution!
It's our time to change it all,
Rise in revolution!
Unite and fight to make a better life!
Everybody one for all,
Sound off, this is the call, tonight we rise!
Tonight we rise
Tonight we rise!
In a world gone mad,
In a place so sad!
Sometimes it's crazy
To fight for what you believe!
But you can't give up,
If you wanna keep what you love!
(Keep what you love)
Keep what you love
(Keep what you love)
Keep what you love
Never give up, no!!!
Rise in revolution
Rise in revolution
Everybody one for all,
Sound off, this is the call!
Like we're alive
Tonight we rise
Make a better life
Tonight we rise!
Rise, rise, rise in revolution
Rise, rise, rise in revolution
[phone rings]
[Operator:] 911?
[Woman:] There's a guy here with a gun!
[Operator:] Ma'am? Ma'am?
[Woman:] Kids, get under the table! Kids get under the table!!!
[News reporter:] We are getting new reports from all around the globe, showing the highest unemployment rates since the end of World War II. Many are losing their jobs, their homes, and in many cases, their hope.
[Dispatch:] [static police call] Domestic Disturbance in progress [more static]
[Upset parent:] You are such a failure! What is wrong with you? You're worthless! You can't do anything right! I wish you had never been born!
I can't keep it hidden like a secret
I can't look away!
From all this pain in a world we made!
Everyday you need a bulletproof vest
To save yourself from what you could never guess!
Am I safe today?
When I step outside in the wars we wage!
Our future's here and now,
Here comes the countdown!
Sound it off, this is the call!
Rise in revolution!
It's our time to change it all,
Rise in revolution!
Unite and fight, to make a better life!
Everybody one for all,
Sound off, this is the call, tonight we rise!
Tonight we rise
Tonight we rise!
Like a hand grenade thrown in a hurricane,
Spinning in chaos, trying to escape the flame,
Yesterday is gone!
Faster than the blast of a car bomb!
And when the scars heal, the pain passes,
As hope burns, we rise from the ashes!
Darkness fades away!
And the light shines on a brave new day!
Our future's here and now,
Here comes the countdown!
Sound it off, this is the call!
Rise in revolution!
It's our time to change it all,
Rise in revolution!
Unite and fight to make a better life!
Everybody one for all,
Sound off, this is the call, tonight we rise!
Tonight we rise
Tonight we rise!
In a world gone mad,
In a place so sad!
Sometimes it's crazy
To fight for what you believe!
But you can't give up,
If you wanna keep what you love!
(Keep what you love)
Keep what you love
(Keep what you love)
Keep what you love
Never give up, no!!!
Rise in revolution
Rise in revolution
Everybody one for all,
Sound off, this is the call!
Like we're alive
Tonight we rise
Make a better life
Tonight we rise!
Rise, rise, rise in revolution
Rise, rise, rise in revolution
[phone rings]
[Operator:] 911?
[Woman:] There's a guy here with a gun!
[Operator:] Ma'am? Ma'am?
[Woman:] Kids, get under the table! Kids get under the table!!!
[News reporter:] We are getting new reports from all around the globe, showing the highest unemployment rates since the end of World War II. Many are losing their jobs, their homes, and in many cases, their hope.
[Dispatch:] [static police call] Domestic Disturbance in progress [more static]
[Upset parent:] You are such a failure! What is wrong with you? You're worthless! You can't do anything right! I wish you had never been born!
Check back next Skillet Saturday for "Sick Of It"
Hashtag #skilletsaturday_sos84 on instagram @nxt_left
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