Thursday, March 28, 2013

Radiant - Beauty With A Purpose

To those of you who know me, you know how much I dislike the color pink. How I avoid most things in any shade of pink.  So you may be looking at this photo and wondering; "Why is she wearing bright pink lipstick? She hates the color pink."
Well folks I'm sporting this bright hot pink shade of lipstick for a good cause!  
I somehow happened to stumble upon this blog called the Lipstick Gospel sometime early February.  The blog name had me curious. I read post after post until I totally fell in love with this blog.  I recently open my email to read her latest blog post which informed me that she was partnering with this makeup company "Radiant Cosmetics- Beauty with a Purpose".  Fighting Human Trafficking one lipstick at a time.  I immediately rush over to their website and read all about it.  I never knew such a company existed. I was thrilled.  I could expand my makeup collection and help a cause that is very dear to my heart.  So Radiant teams up with the Lipstick Gospel to make this exclusive "Lipstick Gospel Pink" Lipstick.  I of course order one for myself.  I gladly wear this fun shade of pink lipstick knowing I'm helping others in doing so.  

 Radiant Cosmetics is a social enterprise makeup company whose mission is to garner awareness for human trafficking by raising funds through cosmetics to provide resources for victims and those on the forefront of change.

 (Some words from the Founder of Radiant Cosmetics-- below)

The cosmetics industry generates $170 billion annually. Women dominate this industry and of the over 2 million human beings trafficked each year, 80% are women and girls. My dream is to awaken a generation of women to not sit back and allow this injustice to happen to our fellow sisters.
My dream is to set the captives free, one lipstick at a time.

Links to both sites below :)

Thank you all for being patient with me while I edited this post until I thought it worthy of publishing.  I've decided writers really are their own worst critic.  Just when I seem satisfied, I find something that needs to be changed.  So bear with me :)

Love and prayers and a  Happy Easter Weekend!

Love, KayLeigh

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Throwback Thursday & 20th Birthday

 Today is my 20th birthday.  And for Throwback Thursday I wanted to share a letter of advice that was given to me at my sweet 16.

 Dearest KayLeigh,

Happy 16th Birthday.  I know you think that this birthday is no big deal, but nothing could be further from the truth. These are the years when the decisions you make now effect the rest of your life.  You are given a blank canvas to put the colors of happiness and joy that are bright and sparkly against the colors of stretching and hurt feeling that give a person depth of character. 
                                          (Not my image- above)
 God has blessed you with an amazing family and great friends to help make your piece of art brilliant before God and man.  Never take those relationships for granted. They are the relations that can and will save your life in those hard times.  Keep those bridges strong and they will carry forever. 

Don't be afraid to make mistakes and don't hesitate to confess them to God who is faithful to forgive them. Keep all that he has given you sacred and pure before him.  It is easier to live against all you have been taught, but more rewarding in the long run. 

Focus your life and thoughts towards the greatness that God has planned for you.  You are the only one who can limit your growth.  God's plan for your life is amazing, spend the rest of your life searching it out.  Discover all the wonder He has in store for you.  Be all you can be for Him and he will be all He can be for you.  

Happy Birthday,
Uncle Matthew


I've loved and lost the last few years.  I've made mistakes and learned from them.  My life has changed quite a bit since I was 16, but I wouldn't change a thing.  I'm so excited for this new #20 (even if it does kinda freak me out a bit lol :) )  I'm looking forward to my next 20 years.I can't wait to see where my life takes me and all the people I'm gonna meet.  Who knows! I could one day be an apprentice makeup artist for Robert Jones (my dream/wish lol)

To my family and close friends who mean everything to me.  Thank you all so much for loving me.  I know I don't tell you often enough how much I love y'all back :)

Dad, Thanks for buying me my favorite ice-cream when I was sick yesterday (Even though i didn't need it :) ) And for always listening to me talk.

Mom, Thanks for being there for me and for putting up with all my kraziness. Love you like a O.

Isaac, Thanks for being your funny self. Even when I don't always find you so funny.  Being Gollum/Batman always puts a smile on my face. And thanks for introducing me to Olan Rogers (even thought I was resistant in the beginning lol) 

Love, KayLeigh